Recent Profile Archive Shoutouts
Saturday, January 30, 2010, 12:24 PM
stole the first post ):

Hellos(: Rachel here . If you want to post and you do not have the ID and password or you forgot .. whatever reason .. Please message Syahirah Muyassarah [90389461] or Me [96570765] :D But no prank calling or whatsoever ): LOL, wth crap YEAH . NO PRANK CALLING D: 

Oh yeah, about the music, we don't know what kind of music you people like -.- So someone just make one, lols kay . But if you don't know how to put in then just ask us . Don't mess up the layout . LOL JOKING ;o 

Tag your birthday also :DDDD ?!! 

11:21 AM
First post ever

O hai Syahirah Muyassarah here.
Err since my name is too long for you to remember,
I think you can just call me Sarah? Cause got another syahirah in our class, right? (:
And i don't like it when people call me muyassarah cause is they either make fun, or pronounce it wrongly.

Ok anyways this is our class blog, created by me and Rachel.
Tag your birthdays in the tagboard ok. I want keep track.

Ok bye